Wednesday, July 6, 2016

John Hughes, meet George Romero!

Dance of the Dead                                                      G

Zombies are overdone.  This is one of the better post-Millennium entries.  So what sets this apart from the incessant “walking dead” releases?  Like any genre or subgenre, it’s hard to be original.  So with zombie films (arguably any horror film), there has to be good characters, creative kills, effective use of setting, be scary or suspenseful and ultimately how it’s executed.  This movie has all of that.  It begins as a teen movie with interesting characters I wouldn’t mind seeing in a straight comedy.  The dead eventually rise (as a result of the town being next to a power plant?) so various cliques band together to escape and exterminate the “rotters” on the way to prom.  The gory bits and zombie make-up are well-done.  Rock music temporarily saves the day too!  Prom is so overrated.  Skip it and watch this instead, you’ll probably have more fun!  7/6/2016

---Sean O.

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