Friday, November 25, 2016

I'm..dreaming of a!

Burn up any evidence with a nice cozy fire and relax with this double dose of yuletide jeer!  Season's Screamings!

Black Christmas (1974)
Just in time for the holidays!  This slasher film from the Great White North predated all the American classics like Halloween, Friday the 13th and all their imitators.  This seminal flick is underrated, overlooked and one of the best!  It might even be one of my favorite horror movies period.  I’m a huge fan of merging beauty with tragedy and what better way to take a festive time like Christmas and involve murders in a sorority house?  A title like Black Christmas is awesome in that it simplistically signifies the juxtaposition of the macabre and majestic.  One of the first serious film analyses I wrote in college in the early 2000s was for this movie.  (Sorry, I don’t have a copy of that.  You’ll have to contact my Film History teacher, if he even still has it).  I was initially turned onto this movie years ago when I read Phil Anselmo (Pantera, Down, Superjoint Ritual and many other side projects) mention this was one of his favorite horror movies.  I rented it on VHS (well that should tell you how long ago that was), fell in love at first sight and loved it since.  Amazing how hard it was to trace a phone call just 40 years ago!  The ambiguity of the killer’s identity and his various POV shots add to the overall effectiveness.  Additional applause for never having any sequels like so many other iconic slasher films.  Be sure to kick back this holiday season with this stylish, chilling (like a Canadian winter) and completely meritorious (should-be) holiday classic.
Black Christmas (2006)

Well, I hated the idea of this remake upon hearing of it, hated it when I first saw it and lumped it in with other pointless remakes like coal in a stocking.  Well, I watched it again a few years after that and didn’t hate it as much.  Perhaps my initial contempt stemmed from my love for the original?  Comparisons are instinctual but I’ve definitely become more lenient with different adaptations, especially book-to-film.  I’ve seen this maybe four or five times now and it definitely gets better each time.  It’s so well shot and provides plenty of the red stuff.  It’s quite disturbing at times too.  Plus, I’ve always been a fan of horror movies set around Christmastime (as long as they’re actually good, well-made and involve mayhem of some kind).  I still dislike how Billy the faceless killer is given a backstory here.  That’s the primary problem with remakes.  The ambiguity of yesteryear’s originals are what made them so great.  We don’t need to know what Michael Myers’ childhood was like before going psycho.  We don’t need to see Jason Voorhees before going psycho.  No need to even mention the Nightmare on Elm Street remake.  I believe if I never saw nor heard of the original Black Christmas, I would’ve liked this much better.  I would add it to my list of Christmas horror favorites.  Still doesn’t come close to the original and I have some reservations overall, but I’d say include it in a holiday horror marathon.  Just watch the original first if you haven’t already.  11/22/2016

---Sean O.

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